Artists Angelica Tognetti and Natalia Lazaro Prevost, Laia Solé, Xènia Canal, and Gemma París will be undertaking an artistic project in CAPs (primary health care centres) as part of the EIXART Art and Health programme.
The programme is an initiative of the Departments of Culture and Health in collaboration with the Centre d'Art la Panera a Lleida, Centre d'Art Terres de l'Ebre – Lo Pati, MAC Mataró Art Contemporani, and ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
The Department of Culture and the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, as part of the Pla d’Impuls de les Arts Visuals (Visual Arts Promotion Plan), are collaborating in the first open call for Eixart. Art and Health programme.
The call aims to promote artistic projects in primary health care centres (CAPs), based upon participatory processes, in which members of the health care community, users, family members, and health centre professionals advance the exchange of knowledge between the spheres of culture and health.
Four contemporary art centres in Catalonia, and four primary care centres in their areas, collaborate in this first edition of Eixart; Centre d'Art la Panera in Lleida, Centre d'Art Terres de l'Ebre - Lo Pati, MAC Mataró Art Contemporani, and ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies.
34 applications were submitted in this first open call.
7 applicants requested to address the theme of “Loneliness” with the Centre d'Art La Panera in Lleida, and LLEIDA- 6 Primary Care Centre, CAP BORDETA- MAGRANERS. 7 applicants requested to address the theme of "Pains, remedies and cures".with ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, and VIC SUD Primary Care Centre, CAP EL REMEI..8 applicants requested to deal with the theme of “School of Caring. Caring for the carers. Gaps and guilt" with Centre d'Art Terres de l'Ebre - Lo Pati and AMPOSTA Primary Care Centre, CAP AMPOSTA.12 applicants requested to tackle the theme of "Social determinants of health, addiction and chronic diseases ” with the MAC Mataró Art Contemporani and the MATARÓ-6 Primary Care Centre, CAP RONDA GATASSA.
The residencies will start in September and will last for 4 months, after which a new artwork arising from this research will be produced. Eixart's allowance is 6,000 as resident’s fees, and 6,000 for the production of the artwork.
“Dolors, remeis i cures” (Pains, remedies and cures), Xènia Canal
An artistic investigation and production project which focuses upon the different social and cosmological representations of pain, and the specific lore of migrant women with chronic pain.
Pain is multifactorial, and is also a social and cultural construct. It must be understood within a specific and localised context; understanding the spiritual, material, intellectual, or affective features upon which it is constructed. So, we may ask ourselves: What do we mean by pain? Does every community understand the same thing? What terms exist to express it in different geographical locations? How do we relate to it? What forms of coping do we have? What kinds of knowledge of pain do we possess? And which kinds of knowledge do we share? The project will be carried out in the Remei neighbourhood, using meeting spaces in the CAP El Remei and ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies.
“[Estances per a no esperar]” ([no- waiting rooms]) Angelica Tognetti and Natalia Lazaro Prevost
This project aims to explore the relationships established between mental health and its social determinants, which structure our ways of living in the world. It explores the forms of real and speculative representation of mental disorders, and the potential of collective vulnerability as a tool for transformation. The project aims to create meeting spaces between users, families, and professionals connected to Mataró’s Primary Care Centres and the MAC, in order to address how the various social, cultural and economic contexts affect our health from the intimate to the collective.
“Ecosistemes de les cures” (Ecosystems of care), Laia Solé
This is a participatory project around care workers, a feminised work that is often left out of the spaces of representation. It focuses on the concept of visibility.
The artist has previously explored this concept, foregrounding what we make visible and what is not made visible, through the collective creation of images and texts, which reflect upon the work of care and make it visible and recognisable. It is planned to hold meetings with agents linked to the Escola del Cuidar, as well as with professionals from and users of the Amposta CAP during the research process, in order to comprehend the characteristics of their context, their needs, their wishes, and also the possibilities which will help to define the project, and the workshops to be developed in a second phase.
“Als marges_" (In the margins) Gemma Paris
This project aims to graft knowledge from the fields of art and health - usually far apart - by creating a space to share time and knowledge between artists, scientists and patients from the Magraners health centre and users of the Centre d'Art La Panera, located in Lleida. This space will hopefully become fertile ground, a forum where each participant may be heard, where users who feel alone - old people, young people and adults - may find a quiet, creative space for sharing ideas, and an environment for collective creation based on the study of two areas common to many people in Lleida, agriculture and sewing.
The investigation will focus upon plant species popularly known as weeds; species which grow freely on the margins of the norm, of civilisation, and of human control.