19th, 20th and 21st March 2019
Presentation of students’ projects
Aula Magna at the University of Vic
Since its beginnings, ART I ESCOLA has promoted the presence of art in schools, encouraging collaboration between artistic and educational organisations in sharing resources and methodologies, supporting teachers in developnig transversal projects, and exhibiting works carried out around a theme in common. This year, that theme is SHELTER.
Presentation of projects carried out in the eighth edition of ART I ESCOLA, by students from the following schools:
C. El Carme Vedruna, Manlleu - C. El Roser, Sant Julià de Vilatorta - C. La Salle, Manlleu - C. Sagrat Cor, Vic - C. Sant Miquel dels Sants, Vic - CEE Dr. Ramon Suriñach i Esc. Tomàs Raguer, Ripoll - EB La Pitota, Prats de Lluçanès - Esc. Andersen, Vic - Esc. Barnola, Avinyó - Esc. Bellpuig, Sant Julià de Vilatorta - Esc. Dr. Joaquim Salarich, Vic - Esc. El Vinyet, Solsona - Esc. Estel, Vic - Esc. FEDAC Vic (Pare Coll), Vic - Esc. Josep Maria Xandri, Sant Pere de Torelló - Esc. L'Agullola, Rupit - Esc. L'Era de Dalt, Tona - Esc. La Monjoia, Sant Bartomeu del Grau - Esc. Mare de Déu de la Gleva, Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà - Esc. Miquel Martí i Pol, Lliçà d'Amunt - Esc. Rocaprevera, Torelló - Esc. Sentfores, Vic (la Guixa) - Esc. Vedruna Escorial, Vic - Esc. Vedruna-Tona, Tona - Esc. Guillem de Mont-rodon, Vic - Ins. Antoni Pous i Argila, Manlleu - Ins. Jaume Callís, Vic - Ins. La Plana, Vic - Ins. Les Margues, Calldetenes - Ins. Miquel Marti i Pol, Roda de Ter - Ins. Moianès, Moià - ZER El Cardener, Esc. Sant Esteve, Valls de Torroella i Esc. Joan de Palà, La Coromina - ZER Guilleries, Esc. El Gurri, Taradell i Esc. Els Castanyers, Viladrau - ZER Moianès Llevant, Esc. Els Ventets, Collsuspina.
During the 2018-19 school year, 36 different schools with 37 projects have participated in Art i Escola.
A total of 3322 pupils from Osona, Bages, Ripollès, Moianès, Solsonès and Vallès Oriental schools.
Tuesday 19th March
Escola El Gurri, Taradell. Nursery and Primary School levels
Escola Els Castanyers, Viladrau. Nursery and Primary School levels
Escola Guillem de Mont-rodon, Vic. Nursery School level
Escola Sentfores, Vic (La Guixa), Nursery School level
Escola Barnola, Avinyó. Nursery and Primary School levels
Escola Els Ventets, ZER Moianès Llevant. Nursery and Primary School levels
Escola L’Agullola, Rupit. Nursery and Primary School levels
Escola Bellpuig, Sant Julià de Vilatorta. Upper Primary School level
ZER El Cardener: Esc. Sant Esteve, Valls de Torroella i Esc. Joan de Palà, La Coromina (Cardona)
Escola El Vinyet, Solsona. Nursery and Primary School levels
Wednesday, 20th March
Escola Andersen, Vic. Upper Primary School level
Escola La Monjoia, Sant Bartomeu del Grau. Upper Primary School level
Col·legi Sagrat Cor de Jesús, Vic. Lower and Upper Primary School levels
Elpetitmiquel - Col·legi Sant Miquel dels Sants, Vic. Upper Primary School level
Escola Josep Maria Xandri, Sant Pere de Torelló. Upper Primary School level
FEDAC Vic – Pare Coll. Upper Primary School level
Escola Dr. Joaquim Salarich, Vic. Upper Primary School level
Escola Guillem de Mont-rodon, Vic. Upper Primary School level
Escola l’Estel, Vic. Special Needs Education
Col·legi Mare de Déu de la Gleva, Les Masies de Voltregà. Nursery, Primary and Secondary levels
Escola Miquel Martí i Pol, Lliçà d’Amunt. Nursery and Primary School levels
Escola Vedruna, Tona. Nursery, Primary and Secondary levels
Thurdsday, 21st March
FEDAC Vic – Pare Coll. Secondary school
Institut Jaume Callís, Vic. Secondary school
Institut La Plana, Vic. Secondary school
Institut Miquel Martí i Pol, Roda de Ter. Secondary school
Institut Moianès, Moià. Secondary school
Col·legi Sant Miquel dels Sants, Vic. Secondary school
Institut Antoni Pous i Argila, Manlleu. Secondary school
Col·legi El Roser, Sant Julià de Vilatorta. Secondary school
Escola Dr. Ramon Suriñach i Escola Tomàs Raguer, Ripoll. Special Needs and Upper Primary classes
Escola Rocaprevera, Torelló. Secondary school Escola Vedruna-Escorial, Vic. Secondary school
Videos of the presentation: