

AE11 PresentacionsAlumnat 05 04 22 17 brART AND SCHOOL 12. ROOTS
Presentation of projects by participating students

30th March 2023
From 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Rambla del Passeig, Vic
Activity open to the general public

> Info and distribution map


The ART AND SCHOOL programme establishes a network between organisations in the field of arts and education, to learn what is happening in schools in relation to the arts, to share approaches and methodologies, and to bring into schools those elements which form part of current cultural debates.

In each edition, a broad enough topic is proposed to allow interdisciplinary work, from areas such as social sciences, natural sciences, art education, technology, mathematics, IT... this year the topic is ROOTS.

The programme is an initiative of Centre de Recursos Pedagògics d'Osona and ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, with professional members of Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic, Escola d'Art de Torelló, H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies, Katacrack, Pakdart, UVic-UCC and interested parties.

This year marks the 12th edition of Art and School, and 3,232 students from 32 educational centres participated.

Presentation Day

As usual, the Art and School programme will end with a presentation of students’ projects. In previous editions, it was held in the Aula Magna /Great Hall of the Universitat de Vic, and was divided into 6 rounds of presentations over 3 days.

This year’s presentation will be different; in one morning, students and teachers from participating schools will meet in the public space, specifically on the Rambla del Passeig de Vic to share their experiences with the general public.

Each school will have a stall to welcome all members of the general public with an interest in their projects.

Projects to be presented:

Bombes de llavors - Escola Estel, Vic.Transition Stage (18 to 21 years)

Les nostres arrels - Escola Emili Teixidor, Roda de Ter. 1st and 2nd years, Primary School

D'on venim? Qui som? Què volem ser? - Col·legi Sagrat Cor, Vic. 1st to 6th year, Primary School

Tots junts SOM - CEE Ramon Suriñach i Escola Tomàs Raguer, Ripoll. Special Education and 6th year, Primary School

L'art rupestre - Escola Segimon Comas, Sant Quirze de Besora. 1st and 2nd years, Primary School

3r: La fantasia / 4t: El nostre món - Escola Segimon Comas, Sant Quirze de Besora. 3rd and 4th years, Primary School

We are the World / Cistelleria Artesana - Escola Segimon Comas, Sant Quirze de Besora. 5th and 6th years, Primary School

Teixint les nostres arrels - Escola Vic Centre. Kindergarten and Primary school

A nosaltres ens nodreix... - Escola Bellpuig, Sant Julià de Vilatorta. 1st and 2nd years, Primary School

El nostre ser i estar - Escola Guillem de Mont-rodon, Vic. Newcomers classroom

El Vinyet: D'on venim i cap on anem - Escola El Vinyet, Solsona. Kindergarten and Primary school bAbEl - Escola Doctor Joaquim Salarich, Vic. 5th and 6th years, Primary School

160 anys arrelats al Sant Miquel - elpetitmiquel, Col·legi Sant Miquel dels Sants, Vic. 5th year, Primary School

Qui perd els orígens perd la identitat - Escola Rocaprevera, Torelló. 1st to 4th year, Secondary School

M'exalta el nou i m'enamora el vell - Col·legi El Roser, Sant Julià de Vilatorta. 4th year, Secondary School

Arrels creatives - Escola Veduna Escorial Vic. 4th year, Secondary School

Som Gleva, Som Arrels - Escola La Gleva, Les Masies de Voltregà. Kindergarten, Primary School, and Secondary School

Essència - FEDAC VIC. 2nd year, Secondary School

ῥάδιξ - Escola La Font, Vic. 1st to 2nd year, Secondary School

Orígens - Institut Escola Carles Capdevila, Els Hostalets de Balenyà. 1st to 2nd year, Secondary School

Arrels - Institut Escola Mestre Andreu, Sant Joan de les Abadesses. Secondary School

Cianotipia, fotografia i joc - Institut Escola Mestre Andreu, Sant Joan de les Abadesses. Primary School

Busquem les nostres arrels - Institut La Plana, Vic. 2nd, Secondary School

Xarxes - Institut Escola Josep Maria Xandri, Sant Pere de Torelló. Interlevel in all community network

Apart from those schools participating directly on Presentation Day, the following schools also took part:

Escola Agullola, Rupit-Pruit Escola Andersen, Vic Institut Antoni Pous i Argila, Manlleu Escola Era de Dalt, Tona Institut de Gurb Institut Jaume Callís, Vic Escola Bressol La Pitota, Prats del Lluçanès Escola Vedruna, Tona

Next Activities:

18th May to 29th July 2023
ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1, Vic)

We look forward to seeing you at the opening which will take place on Thursday, May 18th at 6 p.m., hosted by Casal Claret


More info: www.artiescola.cat

You are here: Home Art and school ART AND SCHOOL 12. PRESENTACION BY STUDENTS