The definitive program for managing and retouching your photographs!
A workshop by Jordi Cabanas
2. PRINTING [+ info]
Alternative image reproduction
A workshop by Toni Garcia
Performance as a medium of artistic expression
By Joan Morey
Techniques for documenting educational processes
Workshop by Bruna Dinarès
With the support of OSIC (Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural)
The definitive program for managing and retouching your photographs!
A workshop by Jordi Cabanas
12 hours total, comprising 6 sessions de 2 hours each.
Thursday 16th, 23rd and 30th November and 14th, 21st and 28th December 2017, each from 6 pm until 8 pm.
The course will take place at ACVic. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic]
Participants should bring a laptop, or a tablet with keyboard input device.
35 € (28 € for Amics d’ACVic and members of H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies)
> acess to the registration form
Booking will end on the 26th October. A limited number of places is available, and will be reserved according to strict order of booking, which will be finalised once the form has been submitted, and payment has cleared. Please note that, should the course fail to achieve a minimum booking commitment, it will be cancelled.
This workshop consists of learning the functioning of one of today's most widely used programs for professional and amateur photographers for organising, managing and retouching pictures. The best feature of Lightroom is that it brings together into one program a variety of tasks which previously could only be done using different programs. Please note that Lightroom may be used by complete beginners, and that no experience with Photoshop is necessary in order to use it.
Lightroom lets the user import, classify and tag images, apart, obviously, from displaying them or readying them for printing, sending, uploading to social networks, etc..
– Importing images
– Setting up better classifications for a better selection among images.
– Tagging images with Keywords.
– How to search for a few photos among all my pictures, wherever they are.
– Making intelligent collections, using themes.
– The basic display. Retouching and editing images.
– The essential tools.
– Synchronising the display among various images.
– Preparing to export images for publication on social networks, for printing, and other means of distribution.
– Preparing a photo presentation with music, or, how to make and print out a photo-album.
As no previous knowledge of programming is necessary, the course is aimed at anyone interested in art and photography who wishes to learn how to make the best use of this program.
Jordi Cabanas studied at the Institut d’Estudis fotogràfics de Catalunya, earning a superior degree in photography. Soon after he started work as a staff photographer at 9 Nou, with freelance collaborations with newspapers such as La Vanguardia and El Periodico.
Since 2010 he has had his own photographic studio at which he teaches photography and editing programs such as Lightroom or Photoshop, apart from organising photographic journeys around Spain and to Morocco. He is the photographer for the magazine «Eix Professional», and has contributed photographs to books such as “Tots els colors de la llengüa” and “Històries in_dependents, 10 exemples de superació”. He has exhibited his works in a number of different exhibition spaces.
Alternative image reproduction
A workshop by Toni Garcia
8 hours total, comprising 4 sessions of 2 hours each.
Wednesday 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th November, from 6 pm until 8 pm.
The course will take place at ACVic. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic]
35 € (28 € for Amics d’ACVic and members of H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies)
> access to the registration form
Booking will end on the 26th October. A limited number of places is available, and will be reserved according to strict order of booking, which will be finalised once the form has been submitted, and payment has cleared. Please note that, should the course fail to achieve a minimum booking commitment, it will be cancelled.
Learning alternative and less technologically complex methods of image reproduction.
– Ecological printing methods.
– Hectographic printing.
– New materials in flat-bed printing.
– The polyester plate.
Teaching, design and art professionals, and anyone curious enough to look for alternatives to traditional methods of image reproduction.
Toni Garcia, Teacher in Engraving and Printing at Vic's Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny. He has staged various exhibitions during the course of years dedicated to painting.
Performance as a medium of artistic expression
By Joan Morey
Intensive workshop lasting 6 hours
Saturday 11th November, from 11 am until 2 pm, and from 5 pm until 8 pm.
The course will take place at ACVic. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic]
Bring an alert mind, a notebook, a biro, and loads of questions.
30 € (24 € for Amics d’ACVic and members of H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies)
> acces to the registration form
Booking will end on the 26th October. A limited number of places is available, and will be reserved according to strict order of booking, which will be finalised once the form has been submitted, and payment has cleared. Please note that, should the course fail to achieve a minimum booking commitment, it will be cancelled.
What is a performance? What considerations must be taken into account when making a performance? What parameters condition performance as a work of art? What use is there in making a record of a performance? Need one be a performer to realise a performance?
The aim of this microworkshop is to resolve these and other questions pertaining to performance as a medium of artistic expression. We will deal, in an overlapping way, with aspects related to the pre-production and realisation of a work of performance art, such as the space in which the performance takes place, the duration, the figure of the performer and personal image rights, audiences and strategic planning, budgeting, and other practical questions involved in making the best use of performance art.
Performance art may serve artists as a kind of engine, as a language or as a testing ground, and those artists who incorporate it into their practices must adjust to its needs, avoiding the fashions surrounding the practice, and examining whether it is a suitable medium of artistic expression for the creative work which the artist wishes to do. Performance art is a useful artistic discipline, but it also serves, on many occasions, as an escape-valve for artistic practice in times of crisis; and we are not just referring to economic crisis, but also to the crisis of the artist confronted by the system of art, to the crisis in front of the creation of objects, and even to the crisis in the production of meaning.
Artists, cultural agents and anyone interested in performance art as a mechanism of production in contemporary art.
Joan Morey, licentiate, and DEA, in Fine Arts at the Universitat de Barcelona. In his practice as an artist, he has explored numerous mechanisms of production which take performance art as their starting point. The majority of his projects push the standards of this artistic language to the limit, with one clear intention: «to go full throttle». This allows him to explore other possibilities of performance art, reformulate the methodologies used in each project, and then resolve the gaps which, from the conventional artistic sphere, appear in relation to the production, the management or the exhibition of performance art.
The artist's work may currently be seen in the exhibition PANTALLA DOBLE at ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies.
Image credit: «COS SOCIAL». Joan Morey © 2017 | By courtesy of the artist.
Techniques for documenting educational processes
Workshop by Bruna Dinarès
8 hours total, comprising 4 sessions of 2 hours each.
Wednesday 15th November, 13th December 2017, and 24th January, 21st February, 2018.
The course will take place at ACVic. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic]
Participants should bring a laptop, or a tablet with keyboard input device.
20 € (15 € for Amics d’ACVic and members of H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies)
>access to the registration form
Booking will end on the 26th October. A limited number of places is available, and will be reserved according to strict order of booking, which will be finalised once the form has been submitted, and payment has cleared. Please note that, should the course fail to achieve a minimum booking commitment, it will be cancelled.
How might we place on record the educational processes happening in the classroom? Documentation, in the form of photographs and videos, may be useful for keeping a record, showing to families, uploading to the school blog, using in evaluations, etc.
But, how might this be done? Where to point the camera? What role should students play? These and other questions will be debated during the workshop. Beginners' workshop on picture and video editing, in simple language, requiring no previous experience. The workshop is linked to the Art i Escola programme.
Practical workshop, working with material recorded by participants in the classroom during the course.
1st session: Wednesday 15th November
Presentation of the structure of the workshop.
What to consider before snapping a photograph or recording a video. What we would like to show in the picture, how to focus the eye. Planning and structure of the documentation consonant with the project to be documented, so as not to add difficulties by recording.
2nd session: Wednesday 13th December
Image editing using The Gimp.
Participants will work with photographs taken in their classrooms.
3rd session: Wednesday 24th January
Video editing using Movie Maker.
Introduction. Participants will work with material recorded in their classrooms.
4th session: Wednesday 21th February
Video editing using Movie Maker. Continuing and finishing the project. Participants will work with material recorded in their classrooms.
Anyone in education wishing to learn about the possibilities of using photography and video as tools for documenting the educational process.
Bruna Dinarès, with a degree in Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, worked in cinema, in the fields of production and artistic direction. She began working at H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies in 2011, and presently coordinates educational activities at ACVic. She specialised in education by way of training courses and a master's degree in Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts from the Universitat de Barcelona. She qualified as a teacher in audiovisual education with a degree in primary school teaching at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya.