With Photopills, the best application to plan your photographs
By Jordi Cabanas Pradell
14 hours, comprising 7 sessions of 2 hours each.
Tuesday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th November, and 4th, 11th and 18th December.
Tuesdays from 10 am to 12am.
Or Tuesdays from 18 to 8 pm.
With the suport of OSIC (Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural)
At ACVic. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies [Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic]
Although not strictly necessary, we recommend that participants bring a photographic camera, and come with the Photopills app downloaded on a mobile phone. There will be practical tours around Vic during workshop hours.
35 € (28 € for Amics d’ACVic and members of H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies)
Bookings will end on 31st October 2018, and, as reservations for the course will be accepted according to booking order, please note that a limited number of places are available, and that bookings will only be finalised once the form has been completed, and payment has cleared. Please also note that we reserve the right to cancel the workshop, should the minimum number of places fail to be achieved.
> acces to the registration form
The workshop consists of learning the use of one of the most popular applications currently used by professional and amateur photographers everywhere to plan their images. Photopills lets you envision, programme and plan spectacular photographs: Take a photo of Cloquer with the full moon behind it, or a picture of the sun rising behind Puig dels Jueus. Photopills lets you know if these photos can be taken and, if so, on what date and at what time it they may be taken.
The workshop will combine theoretical and practical training on urban landscape and night photography.
• How does Photopills work?
• The Planner, my material, Points of Interest.
• How to schedule a sunrise or sunset, or moonrise, in a given location.
• Export a location to Maps, within my mobile, to easily find a predetermined site for taking a picture.
• Save Plans and Points of Interest.
• Urban night photography techniques.
• Practical trips to Vic and its surroundings.
The general public, anyone interested in art and photography, and who wishes to learn about the Photopills application, or how to get more out of it. No prior knowledge is required.
Jordi Cabanas studied at the Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia ( Institut d’Estudis fotogràfics de Catalunya), obtaining the title of higher degree in photography.
He then went on to work as a staff photographer at El 9 Nou, collaborating occasionally with newspapers such as La Vanguardia and El Periódico. Since 2010, he has had his own photography studio, notable for his training in photography and in the use of photo-editing programmes, such as Lightroom or Photoshop, as well his organisation of photographic journeys both to Spain and Morocco. He is the photographer for the magazine Eix Professional. His work as appeared in books such as Tots els colors de la llengua or Històries in dependents, 10 exemples de superació. His work has been exhibited in a wide variety of venues. This workshop has been made possible thanks to the support of the OSIC (Office of Support to the Cultural Initiative)