

Sobretaula Mortals brTable-talks in the square

An activity linked to the MORTALS (Prelude) exhibition

Saturday 18th November
From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
At ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1. Vic)

> Access free of charge

Surely you have asked yourself at some point, How do we as a society age? What is your relationship to death? Do you think that we should change the way we look at the last stage of life? Do you feel that the care you need at this final stage will be covered, and your wishes will be heeded? Can we improve the situation?

The Death Cafés* are spaces for collective and intergenerational meetings, where we can share and exchange different experiences around these issues in a casual atmosphere, while we drink coffee or tea. We will be holding one of these occasions at ACVIC, in the context of the MORTALS (Prelude) exhibition.

Com envellim i morim? included in the ACVIC project Sobretaules a la plaça, which aims to open the art centre in the neighbourhood and build relationships with its organisations.


*more info about death cafe

Front image: Frame from Caravan, Albert Potrony, 2009