

tripa brA journey through the landscapes of the meat industry, its infrastructure, and its cultural imaginaries.

11/01/25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 4 to 6 p.m.

Part of the exhibition 3 MESOS, 3 SETMANES, 3 DIES by artist Francesc Ruiz.

An initiative from ACVIC and the Vic Urban Commons Programme with the collaboration of Càrnies en Lluita, La Fera Ferotge, Grup de Defensa del Ter, Osona Respira, Per una Plana Viva, Terra Fèrtil and others.


ACVIC, the Vic Urban Commons Programme, and Francesc Ruiz have organised an exploration of the Plana de Vic, during which participants are invited to reflect upon Osona’s meat industry and its economic, social, cultural, and environmental consequences.

TRIPA describes a journey by bike through these landscapes. In the morning, the group will leave ACVIC and will pass along the Gurri River, by the projected meat industrial state between Vic, Roda de Ter and Folgueroles. In Gurb, we will stop in front of veterinary laboratories and food processing factories, and then we will return to Vic where we will finish the journey in the Remei neighbourhood. During the journey we will make several stops which will include interventions by representatives from diverses organisations of the region.

In the afternoon, at ACVIC, we will reflect more upon the morning’s journey by means of a collective research exercise which will unravel other layers and threads emerging from the exhibition. This exercise will materialise as small interventions, diagrams, and performances, to help us share and bring together the themes and the knowledge gained during the day.



10 am – Meeting at ACVIC.
Introduction to the tour and visit to the exhibition.

11 am to 2 pm – Bike tour around Vic

2 pm – Community lunch at La Fera Ferotge

4 pm – 6 pm – At ACVIC. Collective research exercise and final debate.



Participation is free. Prior registration is required, limited places. Places are reserved by order of registration.



Meeting point: ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

On the registration form you must specify whether you have a bicycle. Bicycles will be offered to people who do not have one. For special transportation needs, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The total distance of the route is 16 km, and there will be 7 stops along the way.
Remember to wear warm clothes for the morning journey.


A community lunch, provided by Terra Fèrtil, will be offered for €4.