

UVic - ACVic Correspondències

CORRESPONDENCE is an art project consisting of a postal communication between UVic students and students from different schools. The central theme is the journey: the experience of space in time. The project will start with the correspondences sended by the students of the subject Didàctica Artística I of the Educational Faculty of the Universitat de Vic , transferred to and developed by the pupils of diferent schools.

The aim of CORRESPONDENCES is to set in motion a sequence of experiences regarding the environment and its visual representation, to open a channel of communication between students of different educational institutions participating in the project, and to promote ways of looking at, interpreting and representing our immediate environment.

The project, led by Montsita Rierola and Laia Solé, originates with Didàctica Artística I studies at Facultat d’Educació de la UVic, with the collaboration of ACVic and the participation of the schools:
- Escola Joan XXIII, Els Hostalets de Balenyà
- Escola Les Pinediques, Taradell
- Col·legi Sant Miquel dels Sants, Vic
- Escola Vic Centre, Vic
- La Farinera Centre d’Arts Visuals, Vic

The project runs from February to May. The results is exhibited at ACVic from 18.05.2011 to 17.07.2011

The project consists of the development of prior work with students at UVic, taking as a starting point an experience based on space and time. This means a route through a given area, enabling participants to reflect on an image and a set of concepts. Each student will format their work as a postcard, and send it on to a primary school, where a teacher will work with pupils on the proposed concepts, and make artworks based on the postcard each pupil receives. The work of each school may be presented in any other format. [download pdf file].

Final presentation. Work developed with the participation of Universitat de Vic students and some schools. 18.05.2011






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