
pep duran br

Pep Duran

From 21st february to 26th april 2025

Opening 21st february at 7 p.m.

francesc ruiz br

Exhibition of Francesc Ruiz
28.09.24 — 21.01.25

Opening Saturday 28th September, 12 p.m. at ACVIC

Guided visit with the artist to the art interventions at Les Adoberies and the Museu de l'Art de la Pell (Leather Art Museum) on Saturday 28th September at 5 p.m.


> Interview with Caterina Almirall and Francesc Ruiz

Mestre Andreu AE13 01 brExhibition from May 15th to July 13th 2024
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1, Vic)

Exhibition of projects from the thirteenth edition of ART I ESCOLA (ART and SCHOOL)

Curated by Roser Sanjuan

Opening Thursday May 15th at 7 p.m

> See the Exhibition leaflet

> Video of the project ART I ESCOLA 13. DEATH

Izaskun credit Ander Sagastiberri 1 brSupport Structures for Vulnerable Creatures
17/2 — 27/4/2024

Izaskun Araluzea, Neus Frigola, Marina González Guerreiro, Ariadna Guiteras, Mercedes Pimiento, Mònica Planes, Marc Vives.

At ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1. Vic)

mortals brMORTALS (Prelude)
Dates from 4/11/2023 to 27/01/2027

Artists: Rosa Amorós, Susana Casares, Democracia, Alex Gifreu, Albert Potrony, Alicia Santamaria, Anna Vilamú Bosch-Associació, and Adriana Wallis.

Curated by: Roser Sanjuan, Albert Potrony, and Maite Palomo.

Organised by: ACVIC
Collaborating: Morera Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Lleida, Fundació Suñol Escola Vic Centre (Vic), Centre d'Art la Panera, MEV (Museu d’Art Medieval) and La Kaseta Ideas Factory.



6/10/23 to 25/10/23

Exhibition by Alba G. Corral, Joana Moll, Roc Parés and Mónica Rikić
Curated by Joan Soler-Adillon
4/11/23 to 13/01/24

Opening of the exhibition 
Saturday 4th November 
At 11.00 pm. At CCVic Joan Triadú
At 12.00 pm. At ACVIC 

HistoriaMans WebAcvic 01 brMuseu de l’Art de la Pell

Itinerant exhibition 2022-24


Identitat CarlesArumi brCarles Arumí Domínguez

18.05 - 29.07.2023

Curated by Marià Dinarès, Ton Granero, Ana M. Palomo and Maite Palomo

Opening, Opening, Thursday March 2nd at 7:00 p.m
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

> View leaflet




recosits brAlicia Casadesús
Antoni Clapés

2/3 to 29/4/2023

Opening, Thursday March 2nd at 7:00 p.m
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1. Vic)

> exhibition diptych

Image: Alícia Casadesús

Expo albert Cano br

Exhibition by Albert Cano

19.11 to 30.12.2022

Opening, Saturday 19th November at 12 p.m. at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Image: Albert Cano

relats17 Carrasco Dachs brExhibition by Toni Carrasco and Carles Dachs

19.11 to 30.12.2022

Opening, Saturday 19th November at 12th noon at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Photo: Capvespre al mur de Berlin, Toni Carrasco. 2007


carratala ESB11 brExhibition by Ernesto Carratalá
06.10 to 12.11.2022

Opening, 6th October 7 p.m.

At ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Illustration: Ernesto Carratalá Rey

PujolCreus paris brExhibition by Joan Pujol-Creus and Raquel Santanera

06.10 to 12.11.2022

Opening, Thursday 6/10/22 at 7 p. m.
ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Photo: Paris, Lumières des rêves, Joan Pujol-Creus. 2010


LuxMatrix brAnonymous | Ana Álvarez-Errecalde | Austin Camilleri | Cuco Suárez | Eulàlia Valldosera | Grup de Defensa del Ter Isabel Banal | Josefa Tolrà | Juana Castro | Kyung-Jin Cho Louise Bourgeois | Niki de Saint Phalle | Núria Duran | Núria Pompeia | Pau Costa | Priscilla Monge | Santiago Sierra | Saskia Calderón | Sergio Caballero | Tania Berta Judith | Victoria Verseau

Curator: Rosa Martínez

30.09 - 30.12.2022

Opening Friday, September 30 at 7 p.m.

daliaadillon brExhibition by Dàlia Adillon
22.06 – 30.07.2022


Opening, wednesday 22st June 7pm
ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)



Illustration: Dàlia Adillon

ART ESCOLA CURA br12.05 – 30.07.2022

Exhibition of projects from the eleventh edition of ART I ESCOLA

Curated by Assumpta Bassas

Opening, Thursday, May 12th at 7 p.m.
At ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

29 schools / 33 projects / 2.694 students


[More info]

Photography: AE11. School Sagrat Cor de Vic

ToniAnguera brExhibition by Toni Anguera and M. Carme Bernal

12.05 – 18.06.2022

Opening, Thursday 12th May at 7 p.m at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Photo: El 3 d'octubre, Toni Anguera, Plaça Major, Vic. 2021

ExpoXevidom brExhibition of Xevidom
12.05 – 18.06.2022

Exhibition opening, Thursday, May 12th at 7 p.m.
At ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Ilustration: XeviDom

emili vilamala 1024Exhibition by Emili Vilamala and Roser Iborra

18.03 – 30.04.2022

Opening, Friday, March 18th at 19p.m. at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)


Photo Emili Vilamala: The big cloud, March 6, 2020

isa basset 1024Exhibition by Isa Basset
18.03 - 30.04.22

The exhibition opens on Friday, March 18th at 7 p.m.


Illustration: Isa Basset, La Rita i en Kubala, 2018

Difu expoCano brCurated by Glòria Picazo

4/2 - 23/4/2022

Opening, Friday, February 4th, 7 pm at ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

Exhibition spaces:

ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1. Vic)

Escola d’Art de Vic / Vic School of Art (Rambla Sant Domènec, 24. Vic)

Expo Vic OriolMolas brExhibition by Oriol Molas and Víctor Sunyol

28.01.2022 - 12.03.2022

Opening, Friday,  January 28 at 7 p.m. at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

Inaraja Automatic brAutomatic drawings (2018-2022)
Exhibition by Christian Inaraja
28.01 - 12.03.2022

The exhibition opens on Friday, January 28th at 7 p.m. 

Illustration: Automàtic Copic Circus (2018)

BR albert alemanyExhibition by Albert Alemany and Ramon Mas
25.11.2021 - 08.01.2022


Opening, Thursday, Nov. 25 at 7 p.m. at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view program]


Photography: El mar, Albert Alemany, 2018


OlgaCapdevila observatori brExhibition by Olga Capdevila
25.11.2021 - 08.01.2022

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday, November 25 at 7:00 p.m. in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view program]

Illustration: Observatori, Olga Capdevila


cabosanroque 01 brVariations on a Haydn string quartet

cabosanroque, Laia Torrents Carulla and Roger Aixut Sampietro

A production of the Festival Panoràmic and Fundació Lluís Coromina


> Interactive installation

> Exhibition


portada eclipsi BN 1999 WEBCurated by de Laura Terré
08.10.2021 – 09.01.2022

Opening, Friday 8th October at 6 p.m at Museu de l’Art de la Pell

Exhibition part of the 10th anniversary of ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies.

[view spaces]

With the collaboration of Fundació Banc Sabadell, Escola d'Art de Vic, Museu de l'Art de la Pell, Temple Romà-Patronat d'Estudis Osonencs and Revela't

Photography: Manel Esclusa. Eclipsi, 1999. © Manel Esclusa, VEGAP, Barcelona, 2021

expo ramon ricart BRExhibition by Ramon Ricart
01.10 – 13.11.2021

Opening of the exhibition,
Friday 1st October at 7 pm in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[veure díptic]

Drawing: Fes realitat els teus somnis. Bang Ediciones (2022). Ramon Ricart


foto sergi camara BRExhibition by Sergi Cámara and Jaume Coll Mariné
01.10 – 13.11.2021

Friday 1st October at ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

[view program]

Photography by Sergi Cámara. Playa de Skala sikameneas, Lesbos Grecia. Noviembre 2015. Serie Familias completas e incompletas.

expo clota difusió BR

A retrospective of activities realised so far by the Association
La Clota
17.06 – 24.07.2021

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 17th June at 7 pm
at ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

La Clota is an association in Vic that works within the artistic and social fields to realise cultural activities such as scheduling concerts, producing events ( e.g. Adoberies Fest, Arrel Quadrada) or recently, creating a broadcast studio and a radio station (Ràdioclota). The association also provides workshops for schools and further education centres, and has collaborated with a variety of local organisations and social and cultural agents, covering events through the radio, offering technical and logistical support, and coming together to generate cultural synergies within the town.


01.06.2012 Txell Sust a la Jazz Cava 2 BRExhibition by Sagi Serra and Biel Barnils
17.06.2021 – 24.07.2021

Opening of the exhibition,
Thursday 17th June at 19 h
at ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

All the microphones in the country are wiretapped. Every utterance is overheard by the Censorship and Order Service (Servei de Censura i Ordre). Nothing may be said that is not analysed on the basis of the dominant moral order. Artists, mouthpieces, journalists, charlatans, presenters, gadflies, metaphysicians, pundits and motormouths are fed through the editing machine of what right-thinking society considers appropriate. The use of the megaphone is indispensable for escaping censorship, freedom’s lifeboat, the only gap through which to exchange opinions that break with monopolistic thought.


foto expo ae temple ana alvarez10 YEARS OF ART AND SCHOOL
Exhibition related to ART + SCHOOL + GAME [+ info]

21.05 – 27.06.2021

Exhibition by Francesc Abad, Ana Álvarez-Errecalde, Ferran Blancafort, Recetas Urbanas / Santiago Cirugeda, Carme Collell, Toni Ferron, Joan Fontcuberta, Jo Milne, Tere Recarens and Jorge Yeregui
Curated by Miquel Bardagil

Opening of the exhibition, Friday 21th May at 7 pm
at Temple Romà (Pare Xifé, s/n Vic)


foto expo roger coll difusió BRExhibition by Roger Coll
13.05 – 12.06.2021

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 13th May at 7 pm
in ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

[view program]

Photography: Portal, 2021. Roger Coll


imatge expo ae joc andersen BR13.05 – 24.07.2021
An exhibition of projects from the tenth edition of ART I ESCOLA
Curated by Toni Garcia

Opening of the exhibition,
Thursday 13th May at 19.00 h
in ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies

21 projects / 21 educational centers / 1.884 students


[view program]

ART + SCHOOL + GAME at Granollers
Exhibition related with the exhibition of ACVIC
01.06 - 13.06.2021
at the Museu de Granollers (Anselm Clavé, 40-42 Granollers)
+ info [view link]

Escola Andersen. Project Let's make things! Let's get creative! Let's play!


foto albert llimos BRExhibition by Albert Llimós and Gerard Guix
13.05 – 12.06.2021

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 13th May at 7 pm
in ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

[view program]

Photography: Albert Llimós. Baixada de Mulats d’Espinavell. October 2018.


foto aina roca díptic portada
Aina Roca

Curated by Ana M. Palomo
07.05 – 23.06.2021
in the Escola d'Art de Vic (Rambla Sant Domènec, 24 Vic)

Opening of the exhibition, Friday 7th May at 7 pm in the Escola d’Art de Vic
Presentation of the publication, Friday 11th June at 7 pm in Escola d’Art de Vic

[view program] and [view poster]

Coorganized by: Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, Escola d'Art de Vic and ESDAP Catalunya
With the collaboration: Camí de marges and Família Roca Anfruns

Aina Roca. Papers en papers (2012). Photography by Jordi Lafon

foto josep m montaner WEB11.03.2021 – 30.04.2021
Exhibition by Josep M. Montaner and Jordi Lara

Opening of the exhibition,
Thursdsay 11th March at 7 pm

[view the postal]

expo sol roca web11.03 – 30.04.2021
Exhibition by Sol Roca and Claudi Dosta

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 11th de March at 7 pm

[view program]


imatgeGoula web br29.01.2021 – 25.04.2021
Exhibition by Montsita Rierola and Jordi Lafon, with the collaboration of several playful people.
Curated by Ana M. Palomo

Museu de l’Art de la Pell (C. Arquebisbe Alemany, 5. Vic)

Exhibition in the programme of activities to commemorate the ART AND SCHOOL programme’s 10th anniversary

isaki lacuesta foto WEB XARXES21.01 - 25.04.2021
Isaki Lacuesta

Exhibition opening, Thursday, January 21st at 7 p.m.

[activities related to the exhibition]
[view leaflet]

Photography: Jo soc allò prohibit, 2019. Image by Àlex Gifreu

els nostres 2020 marc sanye WEB21.01 - 06.03.2021
Exhibition by Marc Sanyé and Ramon Erra

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 21st January at 7 pm

[view invitation]

Can you guess who has the ring
As we pass it on the string?

On a textured border, hands define a limit with other hands. The game is to pass the "ring" without actually passing it. The "ring" could be a button, a small, tiny, minuscule, microscopic button...

foto marcet vila abadal BR21.01 – 06.03.2021

Exhibition by Jordi Marcet and Rosa Vila-Abadal

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 21st January at 7 pm

[view program]

This new exhibition by Jordi Marcet (1949) and Rosa Vila-Abadal (1950) is an excellent sampling of their careers, which have been remarkable for their sobriety and their elegance, and their focus upon experimentation and rigorous, meticulous work.

amat27.11.2020 – 24.01.2021
Exhibition by Frederic Amat
in L’albergueria (carrer de l’Albergueria, 1 Vic)

[view invitation]

Majestic, the colour black ignores boundaries, and harbours all other colors. Month after month in this year of 2020, I realised a set of seven painted works made with black pigment, made out of charred bones, and the pure white of calcium carbonate. I have called these pictorial works with two extreme colours: Obra Negra, "Black Work." This title triggers a plurality of references and evocations in me, between the imaginary and the impalpable. Mention should be made, however, in this brief note, of the epigraph which, as an alchemical maxim, is written in the second part of Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel: “L’Oeuvre au Noir”

foto expo adrià costa zombie walk sitges foto Adria Costa BR12.11.2020 – 30.12.2020
Exhibition by Adrià Costa and Toni Coromina

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 12th November at 7 pm

[view postal]

foto madrenas BR web12.11.2020 – 30.12.2020
Exhibition by Pep Madrenas

Opening, Thursday 12th November at 7 p.m.
in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view leaflet]

fotos inauguracio expo amat 1624.09 – 30.12.2020

Exhibition by Frederic Amat
Curated Vicenç Altaió

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 24th September at 8 pm
in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

Exhibition Obra Negra by Frederic Amat
27.11.2020 – 24.01.2021
a L’albergueria (carrer de l’Albergueria, 1 Vic)

Opening, Thursday 26th November at 7 pm

[+ info L'Albergueria exhibition]

foto expo sama genis orriols BR24.09 – 07.11.2020
Exhibition by Sama Genís Orriols      

Opening of the exhibition
Thursday 24th September at 7 pm
in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view leaflet]

foto expo pere puntí BR24.09 – 07.11.2020
Exhibition by Pere Puntí and Jordi Puntí

Opening of the exhibition,
Thursday 24th September at 7 pm
in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view postal]

Contraportada laura pinta br14.09.2020 – 06.11.2020
Curated by Democracia
Exhibition produced by ACVIC in Escola Massana

Byron Maher/ Sindicato de manteros - CDR Joan Rebull - El Pressentiment - En Contingencia - Laura Pinta Cazzaniga Monte Perdido 60 Bis - Sitesize 

Opening of the exhitibion,
 Monday 14th September 
in Escola Massana (Plaça de la Gardunya, 9 Barcelona)

foto pere tordera BR18.06 – 25.07.2020
Exhibition by Pere Tordera and Irene Solà

Opening of the exhibition, Thursday 18th June at 7 pm
in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view postal]

cor BR18.06 – 25.07.2020
Exhibition by Rosa Garcia      

Opening of the exhibition
Thursday 18th June at 7 pm
in ACVIC Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view leaflet]

Items of pottery and food rituals have been connected ever since humanity discovered that, by modelling and drying out certain kinds of earth, objects suitable for containing food and drink could be formed. Inevitably, the emergence of these utensils would transform relationships within the first human clans which used them, leading to the provision of food, and the possibility of calculating a proportionate or equal distribution among its members. This encouraged dialogue and patience, and the establishment of the first codes of conduct regarding meals which would gradually become fixed.

fotos expo ae ficcio guillem montrodonVirtual exhibition based on projects carried out as part of of the ninth edition of Art and School.

35 educational centers / 35 projects / 3.226 students

1. Text of the exhibition
3. Participants thoughts and reflections 

4. Projects from participants 
5. What is Art and School?
6. Activities related to the exhibition

Due to movement restrictions arising as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, we are mounting a project adapted to an unconventional exhibition space; in other words, to virtual space.

foto jordi puig fotoperiodistes brjpg

06.03.2020 – 13.06.2020
Exhibition by Jordi Puig Boix and Antoni Pladevall Arumí

Opening, Friday 6th March at 8 pm
in ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

[view postal]

Photography: Jordi Puig. Fotografia de la sèrie Lisboa 10 dies de juliol (1975)

foto expo fina webCollective exhibition that pays tribute to Fina Padrós

06.03 - 03.04.2020 | Escola d’Art de Vic - Exhibition closed
06.03 - 13.06.2020 | ACVIC

Opening, Friday 6th March at 7 pm in the Escola d’Art and at 8 pm in ACVIC

Exhibition coorganized with the Escola d'Art de Vic, Escola Superior de Disseny i d'Arts Plàstiques de Catalunya and the Fine Arts Faculty of the Universitat de Barcelona. With the collaboration of the Editorial Camí de Marges.

[view program]

Photography: Fina Padrós. Espiral II. Plaster on stone. 300 x 300 cm aprox. Montesquiu (2001)


3. lucíaloren madre sal 01 BR

Documentation of the exhibition In the name of the mother, in the name of the earth

1. Text 
2. Interviews with the artists
3. Interviews 
4. Photographic visit of the exhibition
5. Clipping 

Isabel Banal | Raquel Friera | Lucía Loren | Olga Olivera Tabeni | Irene Pérez | Carme Sanglas | Eulàlia Valldosera 
Curated by Assumpta Bassas Vila

Exhibition will be opened until the 25th July 2020

Assumpta Bassas, curator of the exhibition, 
will initiate a season of conversations with the different artists. In these brief interviews, they will discuss the artworks exhibited and theircareer paths as creators, as well assuch topics as their opinions on the current state of contemporary art.

Every Thursday we will post a new conversation on the ACVIC website and social networks.

[view the exhibition]

3. lucíaloren madre sal 01 BR
24.01 – 25.07.2020
Curated by Assumpta Bassas Vila

Isabel Banal | Raquel Friera | Lucía Loren | Olga Olivera Tabeni | Irene Pérez | Carme Sanglas | Eulàlia Valldosera

Friday 24th January at 8 pm
in ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

In the name of the mother, in the name of the earth is an exhibition that invites you to enjoy seven projects that celebrate the culture of life, demonstrating the capacity of artistic practice to create symbolism to guide us in these confused times.

[view the virtual activities related to the exhibition]

carme collell web24.01.2020 – 29.02.2020
Exhibition by Carme Collell 

Opening, Friday 24th January at 8 pm
in ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

Entering an artist's studio is much the same thing as satisfying some kind of curiosity. We enter with the desire to understand something new and different. The workshop is a separate world, an unknown environment, full of small clues that allow us to divert, for a while, from what is everyday and normative. The studio is also the space for dialogue and discovery.

fotografia dolors pena BR24.01.2020 – 29.02.2020
Exhibition by Dolors Pena Buxó and Itziar González Virós

Opening, Friday 24th January at 8 p
in ACVIC. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies

I recognise the place: Plaça del Rei. Behind the scenes I glimpse the Palau del Lloctinent (the Lieutenant’s Palace) and the Palau Reial Major (Royal Palace). We are in Barcelona’s Ciutat Vella. In the Gothic Quarter. I also recognise my neighbour's white hat and jacket from the back, despite the fact that she's in the middle of the crowd in front. I can see more of what’s around me, than I can see of the centre. 

Contraportada laura pinta br10.10.2019 – 11.01.2020
Curated by Democracia

Byron Maher / CDR Joan Rebull / El Pressentiment / En Contingencia / Laura Pinta Cazzaniga Monte Perdido 60 Bis / Sitesize 

Thursday 10th October at 7 pm
in ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies 

[view program]

expo calla difusio br04.10.2019 - 26.10.2019 
Curated by Marta Casasas and Pep Comeres

Dolors Bau / Margarida Cano / Josep Capdevila / Glòria Carbonell / Josep Casanovas / Marta Casasas / Segimon Clos / Roger Coll / Jordi Comas / Pep Comeres / Núria Coromina / Alan Costa / Teresa Cuesta / Jesús Palau / Anna Pont / Serra Presseguer / Martí Puig / Marta Puigvendrelló / Eulàlia Sellarès / Roser Sierra / Fina Solà / Jordi Solà / Ainoa Suárez / Tiua ESF Esteve Solà / Mima Vergés / Toni Vila 

Friday 4th October at 7 pm
in ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

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