

From visual premonition to the written word
Toni Casassas and Jordi Lara

Presentation of the project, 28th December 2012 at 7.30 pm
Video installation, from 07.01.2013 until 02.03.2013

This exhibition explores the relationship between literature and the moving image beyond the cinematographic adaptation of a text. It takes as its starting point three moments from Jordi Lara's novel Una màquina d’'espavilar ocells de nit (A machine for waking up night-birds), evoking them through performance actions, afterwards translated into audiovisual language.

In the exhibition space, with five short films and graphic support, a creative strand may be followed: beginning with a video introducing the novel, continuing with a piece documenting the situations of filming and the interartistic story, ending with the three visual premonitions, belonging to a video-poem.

“When we read, our minds contruct images. Who knows if these mental images the reader puts together are nothing like the visions which one day struck the writer and moved him to write? They are visual premonitions, filmic sketches of a text, submerged cinematography never realised – except in this project – and which may give way to new texts.”

With the collaboration of Meritxell Manyoses, Àngels Agulló and Josep Maria Serracant.

This project has received assistance from the OSIC Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.



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