

llibre ramisaPublishing Guillem Ramisa Ayats
Edition Associació Tapís
Exhibition of poems, illustrations and images from a book made by hand.

04.10.2014 - 03.05.2014

Presentation of the publication and opening of the exhibition,Thursday the 10th April at 7.30 pm

The exhibition includes poems by Guillem Ramisa, illustrations by Ana Cabello, Bibiana Gala, Carlos Sadness, Ester Tarabal, Gerard Rodríguez, Irene Matarrodona, Joan Peiron, Jordi Farrés, Lara Alejandre,  Maite Rosende, Martina Tarabal, Olga Capdevila, Óscar  Astromujoff, and Pol Anglada, and with pictures of the papermaking and printing processes done by the Associació Tapís.

Deu mil tardes, by Guillem Ramisa Ayats is a book of illustrated poems, the first to be published by Associació Tapís as part of the Aktua project of finding ways towards workplace inclusion for young people in the county of Osona. Using an already-existing paper-making workshop, the publication of books gives participants experience in acquiring working habits as well as basic skills in language use, mathematics, environmental awareness, home economics and computer science. Young people have been involved in virtually all of the project's tasks, from preparing sheets of paper, to distribution, printing, binding and distribution. The sale of the book also covers a large part of the grant-wage, and is understood by the young participants as an incentive to training, and so tightening the link between learning and employment.

Guillem Ramisa (Roda de Ter, 1985) is an artist who has always flitted between music and poetry, combining different kinds of musical projects with poetry books. Recent are  El món ample, a book of poetry published in the summer of 2013, and Els homes que parlen sols, a joint show with Godai Garcia, in which musical improvisation, poetry and monologue predominate. He is also the author of the poetry collections Jo no en tinc la culpa(2009) and Els llavis muts (2010) as well as the record Els tons pàl·lids, with the group Guillem Ramisa & El teu pare in 2011

The book has, in addition, illustrations by 14 artists charged with imagining different poems. These works, along with the corresponding poems, make up the exhibition which accompanies the presentation.

Illustrations of the publication

Presentation and opening

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