

Alicia CasadesúsEphemeral Art Installation for different parts of the city of Vic. A project by Alícia Casadesús.

Nights of 13, 14, 15.05.2011 from 21.00h to 02.00h

“..The cities are a combination of many things. Of memory, desires, signs of a language. Cities are places for exchange, but not only the exchange of goods but also for exchanging words, desires, memories”. Italo Calvino


"Cities of the city " is a project that was produced and first presented at the 2008 Festival PNRM of Olot. The project in Vic has the support of Diputació de Barcelona.

"...cities are a collection of many things: memories, desires, signs of a language, places of exchange, but these sites are not only exchange of goods, are also exchanges of words, desires, memories".  Italo Calvino

The identity of a city, including Vic, is defined mainly by all the people who live there, who works there, who visit it... That is why this work is shaped by conversations with people linked to the city, who have been asked to choose a place in the city which interests them, either for aesthetic appreciation, for perceptual reasons, social, empirical, historical ... From this starting point, a work has been executed which can be seen at various outdoor areas of the city, aiming to show the invisible, anonymous and the intangible parts of the city which somehow give it an identity, emphasising the city, constructing it. The part which converts spaces into places. [download postal and map]

Activity related to the Art and Children 2011 conference organized by UVic and the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic.  [download the program in pdf]

Alícia CasadesúsAlícia Casadesús

Les ciutats de la ciutat consta de 10 projeccions de llum sobre diferents punts de la ciutat i sobre diversos suports d’aquesta; carrers, façanes, places, etc...les projeccions són textos, fragments de converses que l’artista ha tingut amb gent vinculada a la ciutat. Se’ls demana que escullin un lloc de la ciutat que els interessi especialment; bé per l’estètica, per algun fet vivencial, històric, social, perceptiu, etc....i aquest text, un cop treballat, es projecte durant tres nits en el lloc que cada habitant ha escollit
L’espectador es troba l’obra de casualitat, doncs té unes mides considerables, o iniciant un recorregut a partir d’un mapa de la ciutat on s’indiquen els punts on es troba cada instal·lació de llum.

“Les ciutats de la ciutat” és un treball que es va produir i presentar per primera vegada en l’edició 2008 del Festival  PNRM d’Olot. A Vic compta amb el suport de la Diputació de Barcelona.

Alícia CasadesúsAlícia Casadesús

1. Plaça Dom Miquel de Clariana - 2. Plaça de la Pietat -3. Carrer del Cloquer - 4. Carrer de Corretgers* *5. Rambla del Passeig - 6. Plaça Santa Clara - 7. Rambla Davallades - 8. Plaça Andreu Colomer Munmany - 9. Carrer de la Riera - 10. Plaça Major*


























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