Sumary information:Dates: from 15.05.2014 to 20.09.2014
Groups: Specifically suitable for pupils in Pre-school, Primary and Secondary school, Baccalaureate studies, students in higher education and adult groups.
Approximate time: 40 mins approx. // Activity: 20 mins approx.
Price: Free
Notes: ACVic offers teachers the option of an advance visit to the exhibition, as well as a guided tour suited to their particular group.
There will be a guided tour for teachers on Thursday 29th may at 17.30h. [Please confirm attendance]
Visits will be documented through photographs sent to the group contact, and will be posted on the website ACVic.
More information about the project:
Accompanied by a educators from ACVic , visitors will get to know the exhibition ART + ESCOLA + XARXES, with projects from the 26 schools participating in this 3rd edition of the programme Art i Escola.
ART AND SCHOOL aims to promote and value the presence of art in school, to display and disseminate work on a unified theme, and to share resources, methodologies and mechanisms of evaluation, through the relationship between pedagogy and contemporary arts. This new edition has taken the subject of : NETWORKS
During the visit, a two-way dialogue, reflecting upon the projects, will be kept up with visitors.
The visit will consist of two parts; firstly, the exhibition will be discussed by educators and secondly, in a lighter vein, participants must find, interpret and explain some of the projects on display.
EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY – we are a network*
Outside the art centre, after the visit, and along the lines suggested in the exhibition, we'll be creating networks with our bodies, to see how we relate and interact, forming a network together.
* Activity inspired in the project “Xarxes Humanes” by school El Roure Gros.
+ information and booking: 93 885 37 04 // This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.