

expo PAIC brPAIC project

Dates: 24/11/17 to 20/1/18
Groups: Recommended for all ages. Primary school pupils, secondary school students, students in further education, parents’ association members, family groups, etc..
Approximate duration: 60 minutes (adaptable to group needs).
Cost: Free

Observations: ACVic offers teachers the option of a prior visit to the exhibition and the guided tour, so that their group visit may be adapted according to the group’s needs. Educators and parents are invited to a guided tour on Tuesday, 14th December, at 5.30 pm. [Free activity – Please confirm attendance.]
Visits will be documented by photographs, which will be sent to the designated group contact, and which will be published on the web.
More information on the exhibition and visits: ACVic | 93 885 37 04 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


muntatge visita ombraparticipacio brUNDER THE SHADOW OF PARTICIPATION
PAIC project
Collective exhibition


The guided tours at ACVic aim to ensure that visitors familiarise themselves with art in order to enhance their cultural baggage and encourage a critical perspective.

The exhibition is a showcase for a variety of artistic projects based upon participation. We set out the advantages and disadvantages of artistic creation based upon citizen participation.

It is linked to PAIC, Participatory Art for Invisible Communities, a European project in which artists from Croatia, Slovenia, Denmark and Catalonia have participated, including, in Vic alone, residencies with two international artists, the collaboration of local artist Jordi Lafon, and social organisations and associations from around the town.

The exhibition shows the results of these two residencies, and of the projects of various collectives of international artists, such as Mon unité Mobile by Domènec (Catalonia), developed at Perpignan’s pediatrics hospital, The Answer, by Line Sandvad Mengers (Denmark) about the collective construction of reality, or Project DIY, by BridA (Slovenia), a performance in which creation follows a random process.


After a debate on the subject of what participatory projects entail, a collective drawing will be created. As in the game of Telephone, the drawing will keep on transforming as it passes from hand to hand, in a flexible, creative and participatory manner.

muntatge activitat ombraparticipacio br

You are here: Home Exhibition Projects Guided visits GUIDED VISITS UNDER THE SHADOW OF PARTICIPATION