A collaboration between the Biblioteca Joan Triadú, ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies and the Department of Education.
The various workshops will take place at ACVic, and the resulting albums will be exhibited at the Biblioteca Joan Triadú.
Exhibition of resulting albums at the Biblioteca Joan Triadú
From 18th May until 17th June, 2017
The project, which began in February and which will culminate in June, is a collaboration between the Biblioteca Joan Triadú and ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, and consists of a workshop based upon ShaunTan's picture-book, The Lost Thing.
The workshop forms part of the reading encouragement programme organised by Vic Town Council's Department of Education, the Biblioteca Joan Triadú and ACVic. and forms part of ACVic's programme of Miniespai projects.
The activity involves encouraging an enthusiasm for reading, and debating themes such as immigration, the sense of belonging to a place, individualism and cooperation, among other subjects, as well as introducing participants to the world of picture-books, and teaching them how to read images, based upon Shaun Tan's children's picture-book The Lost Thing. The workshop consists of a reading of the book, a debate upon topics arising from the book, and a creative activity in small groups, which involves putting together a picture-book.
Students from first year in the following secondary schools participated in this project:
- Col·legi FEDAC Pare Coll de Vic – 21st and 23rd February
- Col·legi Sagrat Cor de Vic – 21st and 23rd March
- Institut La Plana – 4th, 5the and 6th April