

taller miniespai montseny08 brThe activity goes beyond designing exhibitions and disseminating contemporary art.
During the year, the centre carries out a full programme of collaborations and activities with a variety of social and cultural organisations which seek, using creativity as the main ingredient, to integrate vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion, and to encourage art among children, teenagers and young adults.

With the support of OSIC Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural del Deparament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.


 This programme also includes actions designed to promote art and creativity among children. This is why, this year, the Biblioteca del Montseny has initiated a project, collaborating with the Neighbourhood Association of the District of Remei in Vic. The workshops are aimed at children of primary school age, and attempt to awaken their artistic curiosity, and in doing so, to discover new creative processes.

The first workshop was Shapes of the Library, inspired by Sandine Andrews’ picture-book "EL ARTE, ¡menuda cochinada!" (ART, What a Mess!: please note, there is no English edition of this title). In this case, children made drawings of part of the Library building. These drawings extracted the basic forms that complement the architecture of the space, and ended up creating a collective mobile installation, made up of different coloured shapes. Volunteers from the Remei Neighbourhood Association collaborated in the programming, giving life to the neighbourhood library.

ACVic will continue working with the association to carry out other activities in this field, as it forms part of one of the most important strands of the art centre’s activity.

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