Afternoon of guided games
Family workshop at the ACVIC Miniespai
Saturday, October 7th, 2023
From 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
At ACVIC Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
Have you heard about ACVIC's Mineispai? It’s an open and free space where you can find games and books and experiment with the arts.
This Saturday, you can learn about some of these games, and also play them together..
According to the dictionary, when we talk about play, we mean engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation. In Catalan, the word Joc, with means play or a game, also refers to a set of things. This session, light and fun, combines the two meanings, offering a meeting space for having fun together as a "complete set".
Adults and children from 6 years and up.
Workshop open to all families with children, eager to play and share.
Free workshop
Registration until Friday 6th October through the form or by calling 93 885 37 04. Limited places.