The pathways of creation. A discourse about method/s
april-may 2014
The sessions will take place at 19.30 h in El Gravat (Sant Miquel, 19)
The pathways and methods of creation often help us with a definition and a comprehension not only of artists and their works, but also of the strategies they have established in conceiving of, interpreting and intervening in the world.
This is a season of four open and relaxed dialogues with artists from different disciplines, focusing on the processes and mechanisms of creation, on their careers and their ongoing work, and on how this activity can help us to interpret and learn about reality.
[see the invitation]
Monday, 28th April 2014
Marià Dinarès with Carme Collell (ceramicist, art historian)
Monday, 5th May 2014
Eugenio Tisselli with Víctor Sunyol (writer)
Monday, 19th May 2014
Ferran Blancafort with Anna Palomo (art critic, lecturer in cultural heritage)
Monday, 26th May 2014
Ester Zarraluki with Antoni Clapés (poet, editor, translator)
Marià Dinarès is a visual artist. She teaches at the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny in Vic, where she was formerly the director from 2000 until 2008, and where she is currently the Education Coordinator. She has taught post-graduate studies in visual arts and Occupational Therapy.
She is a founder member, and is currently the president, of H.AAC, and has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Visual Artists of Catalonia since 2009.
She has participated in several solo and group exhibitions, painting, installation, video, sound art, action art and performance spaces in galleries and art centres throughout Catalonia and elsewhere (Mallorca, Murcia, Vitoria Gasteiz, Freiburg, Rückchau, Vorausblick)
Her recent interventions have been: "Partitures per a un paisatge en vers” (September 2008) and" Coloreografies "(Sabadell 2009). Stage Installation for "Limits I Ocupacions" by Bebeto Cidra with Jordi Lafon and Martin Hug (2010).“Des d’un On” with Victor Sunyol, Montse Vellvehí and Joana Rañé (2012) and "El lloc i les coses " (Vic, 2013)
Through a dialogue about each other's works, Carmen Collell and Marià Dinarès will discuss the relationship between colour and shape as two territories which attempt to meet in the tension between permeable borders.
Eugenio Tisselli, artista digital, poeta. Ingeniero en sistemas computacionales por el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey y master en Artes Digitales por la UPF. Ha desarrollado proyectos para el uso creativo de los ordenadores, como MIDIPoet, herramienta para hacer poesía visual interactiva. Ha participado en diversos proyectos literarios y artísticos, entre los cuales cabe destacar la colaboración como el artista Antoni Abad en el diseó y programación del proyecto de comunicación móvil megafone.net.
Es uno de los creadores y coordinadores del proyecto Sauti Ja Wakulima, enfocado a la cración de una app para granjeros de Chambezi, Tanzania, para la documentación de su trabajo, el registro de los cambios percibidos en el clima y la expansión de su red de relaciones sociales.
Ha trabajado en el Computer Science Lab de Sony en París. Actualmetne cursa el programa de doctorado en Z Node en la University of Applied Arts de Suiza. Es miembro del grupo de investigación Hermeneia y codirector del postrado en Programación para las Artes Digitales de la UPF.
Ha publicado libros de poesía como Cuna bajo tierra / Rompedemonio, El drama del lavaplatos, o I això no cal, escrito junto con Carles Hac Mor.
Un artista con un perfil tan especial y específico, hablará con un absoluto profano como el escritor Víctor Sunyol.
Ferran Blancafort is an architect who teaches at the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny in Vic.
One of his concerns and points of departure is that space may be understood as a form created or conceived from a reference, physical or conceptual, material or virtual, which gives it its nature and perception. Architecture thus escapes conventional and professional boundaries.
He was the creator and coordinator of the seminar "El buit i el ple" held in Vic and Girona, and is the creator and coordinator of Sketchcrawl in Vic.
His starting points as an architect and artist, his work and his creative methods are the basis of his conversation with critic Anna Palomo .
Ester Zarraluki is a poet, degree in Hispanic Studies, currently working in education. She has published books of poetry Ahora, quizás, el juego (Noega, 1982), Cobalto (DVD, 1996), Dónde (DVD, 2006) and Peces que duermen, a collection of poetry which comprises a conversation with the works of sculptor Jordi Roura ( Libreieprogetti, 2012)
Her poetry, with its overwhelmingly intimate tone, starts with a lyrical reflection on the everyday towards a moral perspective regarding the person and society.
A discussion with the poet Antoni Clapés on the pathways of words, of poetry, of life.
Café Central i Bar El Gravat