

photo line br14, 16, 21 and 23.11.2017
Workshop by Line Sandvad Mengers
with the collaboration of Jordi Lafon and Aurora Gestió de Projectes Socials

In ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic)

Activity related by the project PAIC Participatory Art for Invisible Communities

Contact Aurora for participate [www.projecteaurora.com]

[view the workshop postal]

During the workshop we will be talking about identity and life, such as Birthday memories and other experiences from our own life. We will write short texts and look at graphic design.

The workshop results will be exhibited from the 24th Novembre 2017 until the 20th January 2018 in ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies.

Activity related to PAIC Participatory Art for Invisible Communities, a multidisciplinary project, based upon methodologies which combine artistic practices with collective community participation. Its mission is to strengthen cultural identity in isolated or invisible contexts.

The partners participating in the project are Omnimedia, Søro Kunstmuseum, University of Nova Gorica and ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies. The project is funded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

+ info PAIC

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