Reversible Actions. Art, education, territory is a publication gathering different activities organised by ACVic. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies, between November 2008 and December 2009. It contains a range of different artistic practices used in projects and by collectives and institutions.
The concept of "reversible actions" refers to the notion of reversibility as a condition in which all the elements involved show different degrees of reciprocal dependence. The elements in this case are artistic practices that affect social space through the deployment of educational actions. The texts and the projects introduced in this book talk about reversible actions produced in specific local contexts, proposing different answers to the same question : How can we link art, education and territory to plan projects able to innovate the design of cultural policies?
ACVic. Centre d'Arts Contemporànies [in progress] 10
Reversible Actions in progress. Ramon Parramon. 14
Work in networks and collective pedagogies: challenges for cultural production. Javier Rodrigo. 34
Between practices of social cooperation and creative production. Santiago Barber. 58
Tower songs: Mapping critical coordinates for collaborative practice. Ailbhe Murphy. 68
Creativity as a two-way flow. Loraine Leeson. 76
Stories from What>. Rika Colpaert / Herman Labro. De Kunstbank. 86
What are artists talking about when they set up educational-artistic prjects?. Fernando Hernández. 98
Weaving networks of sympathies: from fragments to constellations. Script for a "processual documentary" or the world as a patchwork quilt. Lilian Amaral. 110
Aulabierta . Learning tactics. José Daniel Campos Fernández / Pablo Pérez Becerra. 118
MAIZ or Documenta 12, for example. Between long-and short-term (power) relationships between artistic institutions and local contexts. Carmen Mörsch / Rubia Salgado. 128
documenta 12 Advisory board. On the local mediation of an art exhibition. Ayse Güleç / Wanda Wieczorek. Documenta 12. 136
Reflections and proposals for new contemporary creation centres. Jesús Carrillo. 148
PLATONIQ. El Goog. 162
Common knowledge bank. 168
1.021 days. Market amd memory. Sant Antoni Market. Jordi Canudas. 182
Amasté/casi tengo 18. Txelu Balboa. Amasté. 186
Maison de la négociation. Josep-Maria Martín. 192
Rehabilitating substandard housing (in a gypsy shantytown in as Rañas, a Coruña. Santiago Cirugeda / Recetas Urbanas. 196
Trans_ART Laboratori (2) (in the field of healthcare). Sinapsis. 204
ISBN 9-788497-663632 Languages in catalan/spanish ISBN 9-788497-663700 english language
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