

PISTA br18.11.2017
Artistic activities and presentation of the project Affluents.

A l'antiga gasolinera de La Pista
From 4 to 7 pm

With the collaboration of the artist Seila Fernández Arconada, the collective A+, neighborhood groups of La
Calla, El Remei and Horta Vermella, an other local agents.

[view the poster]

The event comes from the collective interest to occupate temporarily the place of the old petrol station in La Pista.

16:00 h

- Ephemeral architecture done for the event.
- Participative video Afluents Visuals.
- Sculptural interventions in the river by the students of the Escorial de Vic.
- Open session and participative sketchcrawl
- Environmental information point of the river (Local group of Mèder river safekeeing).
- Social archeology of Mèder river, copilation of historical images of the river from the neighbors.
- First meeting of the proposal Intergenerational collaborations.

17:30 h
- Presentation of the project Affluents.
- Popular free snack.
- Audiovisual projections.

+ info: http://www.hablarenarte.com/capp/category/residencias/residencia-acvic/blog-residencia-acvic               

Affluents takes place in the frame of CAPP, co-produced between hablarenarte and ACVIC and supported by Europa Creativa (EACEA) and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).


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