

wikpolis. cartografías y construcciones colectivas del espacio social


FORUM. 08/09.07.2011

International seminars with the participation of Mona Fawaz/Ahmad Gharbieh, Stalker-Primavera Romana (Giulia Fiocca, Lorenzo Romito), Iconoclasistas (Pablo Ares, Julia Risler), Neil Cummings, Jordi Canudas/Carme Carbonell, Francisco Jarauta, Santiago Cirugeda, Straddle3 (David Juárez Latimer-Knowles), Todo por la praxis (Diego Peris), Hackitectura.net (José Pérez de Lama), Efraín Foglia and participants selected from the call for papers: Laboratori Visual, Núria Güell, Roger Páez, Diana Padrón, Vahida Ramujkic, Amaia Elorza Pinedo/Javier Peña Ibáñez.

WORKSHOPS. From 10.07.2011 to 15.07.2011

Workshop 1 “Collective mapping and politics of space”. Directed by Iconoclasistas (Pablo Ares, Julia Risler)
Workshop 2 “Strategies of creation and collective architectures that influence the physical and social space”. Directed by Straddle3 – David Juárez Latimer-Knowles with the participation of Santiago Cirugeda, Todo por la praxis, NeoKinok.tv and the collaboration of La Torratxa, Centre Social Autogestionat.

Wikpolis. Cartographies and collective creation of the social space

One contemporary experience that has clearly caused great changes in the social, political and cultural contexts is the practice of building tools and computer technologies based on open source. A mechanism based on the sharing of results and processes, where the achievements of a group or an individual are also starting points for others. A succession of connected elements mixing creativity, skills and material production, built and consumed through a shared experience. One element allowing the generation of content, based on collective experience, is the wiki. A wiki is a website which allows creating and editing any number of web pages connected to each other, sharing a common language and allowing access to a control group. From this perspective, the construction of tools, tactics and collective practices applied in the context of the city, will be the subject to be discussed in the forum and project workshops in this edition of Quam 2011. Wikpolis translates the possibility of meeting and proposing projects focusing on this option of the node to the context of space and the policies that regulate it, providing with the opportunity to create new shared strategies for modifying social and cultural context.

wikpolis. cartografías y construcciones colectivas del espacio social


The forum includes several guests and a number of projects selected by an open call. Both cases involve a series of projects or reflections from artistic practice, architecture, design, activism, social practices intervening in the city, responding to the two themes proposed for this year:

- Cartographies and political representations of space, to represent or influence policies regarding the use of space. References to works revealing latent conflicts in rural and urban space and generate maps that help to interpret them.

- Collective creation in the social space, referring to self managed social processes which use mapping tools to enable collective strategies, building a network and seek alternative systems for citizens.

This dual approach leads to several issues regarding the relationship between citizenship, creative practices and processes that influence the social space:
Can the city be designed and built from the logic of shared creativity and open source? Who may participate? How to organize a joint project? How can existing practices be mapped in an area? Self-sufficiency, co-responsibility, alternative practices ... what relationships could we establish with the administration? How can you build new cultural practices? Could these transform the social space? Can alternatives to current economic models be generated from the perspective of applied creativity?


• To analyze experiences based on design and intervene in the context of the city under logics based on shared creativity.
• To understand and test methodologies of mapping existing social and cultural practices in an area.
• To promote new creative practices relevant to future cultural policies.
• To analyze and discuss new alternatives promoting self-management strategies of political action from artistic practice.
• To start a collective line of research from the generation of maps, which will become tools to represent or act on the territory.


Two workshops addressing the proposed subjects will take place. The first one, collective mapping and politics of space will consider a line of collective research on mapping existing practices in the territory, methodologies of representation, and triggers for new ideas. This workshop will be led by the collective Iconoclasistas (Pablo Ares, Julia Risler).

The second workshop will define strategies of creation and collective constructions affecting physical and social space. In this case the subject matter will cover creative practices affecting participation in social space, articulated from the sum of consecutive small workshops based on collective construction. This activity will be directed by Straddle3 – David Juárez Latimer-Knowles, with the participation of Santiago Cirugeda, Todo por la praxis, Neokinok.tv.


Place: Edifici El Sucre, C. Historiador Ramon d’Abadal I de Vinyals, 5 | 08500 Vic, Barcelona

Friday 8th July

09.30h Registration
10.00h Introduction by Ramon Parramon, Laia Solé and Maral Mikirditsian
10.30h Mona Fawaz, Ahmad Gharbieh. “Beirut: Mapping Security”
11.30h Break
11:45h Stalker-Primavera Romana. Giulia Fiocca, Lorenzo Romito. “Geografie dell’Oltrecittà”.
12.45h Iconoclasistas. Pablo Ares, Julia Risler. “Mapeo colectivo”.
13.45h Roundtable debate
16.30h Neil Cummings. “PARADE: tracing and assembling a public”.

Open Forum. Project and pappers selected from the open call.
17.30h Efraín Foglia. Presentation and moderation of the round table.
17.45h Roger Páez. Derivas urbanas: la ciudad extrañada.
18.30h Vahida Ramujkic. Cartografía del espacio en movimiento continuo.
19.00h Blai Mesa. Souvenir / Laboratori Visual.
19.30h-20.00h Round table

22.00h Forum Night. Aurora Crew & Visual Brothers. Electronic Music and Video projections. Place: ACVic. C. Sant Francesc, 1

Saturday 9th July

10.00h Jordi Canudas, Carme Carbonell. “Contracters, mapping, territory and pedagogy”.
11.00h Francisco Jarauta. “Social construction of the city”.
12.00h Break
12.15h Santiago Cirugeda. Collective architectures.
13.15h Roundtable debate
16.30h Straddle3 (David Juárez Latimer-Knowles), Todo por la praxis (Diego Peris), Hackitectura.net (José Pérez de Lama). “Wikiplazas and collective creations”.
17.30h-20.00h Projects and papers selected from the open call. Moderated by Efraín Foglia.

Open Forum. Project and pappers selected from the open call.
17.30h Efraín Foglia. Presentation and moderation of the round table.
17.45h Diana Padrón. ¿Porqué el mundo contemporáneo es plano?
18.30h Núria Güell. Aplicación Legal Despalazada #1: Reserva Fraccionaria y Acceso a lo denegado.
19.00h Amaia Elorza Pinedo/Javier Peña Ibáñez. Aquí ahora jugamos tod@as.
19.30h-20.00h Round table


From 10 till 15.07.2011 From 10.00h till 13.00h and 16.00h till 20.00h

Workshop 1 “Collective mapping and politics of space”. Directed by Iconoclasistas (Pablo Ares, Julia Risler) (Co-produced with the PEI Programa de Estudios Independientes del MACBA) Place: ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies (C. Sant Francesc 1, 08500 Vic)

Workshop 2 “Strategies of creation and collective constructions that influence the physical and social space”. Directed by Straddle3 – David Juárez Latimer-Knowles with the participation of Santiago Cirugeda, Todo por la praxis, NeoKinok.tv and the collaboration of La Torratxa, Centro Social Autogestionado. Place: La Torratxa (C. Joan de Serrallonga, 3. 08500 Vic)

Location map of activities [access map]


Iconoclasistas [Pablo Ares and Julia Risler]. Since 2006, they have been working as a “laboratory”: a space where the use of imagination triggers creation, allowing to move easily between different formats, displays and scenarios to research for tools and graphics that promote collaborative practices. Since 2008, they carry out collective cartographies. They develop posters and graphic material that address social issues, giving rise to traveling exhibitions. They create urban interventions and animations, and many of their images are transmitted through non-conventional formats (T-shirts, figurines and plates). All the material generated can be distributed for free. [http://www.iconoclasistas.com.ar]

Straddle3 - David Juárez Latimer-Knowles. Architect, founding member of Straddle3, a group dedicated to architecture and communication. He has carried out several projects on issues of housing, public space, digital public domain and participatory planning. Highlights among his works include the houses in the Rambla del Raval, a project awarded at the congress of the UIA, or more recently, some homes built from containers and other recycled materials. His interventions in public space include the Domo project, launched in 2006, a collapsible geodesic structure. The project was carried out in collaboration with the collective Hackitectura.net from Sevilla, and became the prototype for Wikiplaza. In recent years, he has created other portable structures, sometimes in collaboration with the studio Recetas Urbanas. [http://straddle3.net]

Stalker-Primavera Romana. [Lorenzo Romito and Giulia Fiocca] Stalker is a collective that carries out research and activities in the territory, with particular attention to marginal areas and vacant or abandoned urban spaces in transformation. These studies are carried out at various levels, around notions of practicality, representation and planning for these spaces they refer to as Current Territories. Stalker is multidisciplinary: a mentor, guide and artist of these territories, ready to confront the apparently unsolvable contradiction of preserving through abandonment, representing through sensorial perception, intervening within the unstable and mutable conditions of these places. [http://www.osservatorionomade.net]

Hackitectura.net Collective of architects, artists, computer scientists and activists, dedicated to the research and visualization of emerging territories between physical spaces and social and communication dynamics of the network. Founded by Pablo de Soto, Sergio Moreno and José Pérez de Lama, the collective collaborates regularly with other groups and projects dedicated to the exploration of emerging political, social, economical and cultural mappings in particular geographical areas, in order to intervene through the creation of new architectures of communication. [http://www.hackitectura.net]

Mona Fawaz. Associate Professor in Urban Studies and Planning at the American University of Beirut. Her research investigates the modalities in which low-income urban dwellers participate in making the city. It addresses these issues through two main tracks: the contemporary and historical production of affordable neighborhoods in the city’s peripheries and the ways in which low-income urban dwellers negotiate large-scale planning interventions.

Ahmad Gharbieh. Associate Creative Director at Mind the gap design and communication agency. He teaches at the Department of Architecture and Graphic Design at the American University of Beirut specializing in mapping design and theory. His work explores mapping as a method of research, analysis and representation of socio-spatial phenomena. He is a founding member of Kharita, a collaborative initiative focusing on the production and dissemination of advocacy maps on conflicts in the Middle East.

Recetas Urbanas. Santiago Cirugeda and Co. They develop projects of subversion in different areas of the urban reality. The projects range from systematic occupations of public spaces with containers, to the construction of prostheses in facades, rooftops or empty lots. All this by alternating political negotiations with exercises between urban legality and illegality, to visualize the control that individuals are subjected to. They perform architectural projects, write articles and participate in various educational and cultural activities (masters, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc…). They are active participants in the creation of the “collective architectures” network. [http://www.recetasurbanas.net www.colectivosenlared.org www.arquitecturascolectivas.net http://www.meipi.org/redaacc.meipi.php]

Neil Cummings. Artist who works on projects that explore the relationship between art, its institutions and its political, social and economic spheres. His work constantly questions, in different ways, both the cultural institutions that generate and communicate art, and those that devalue the artistic experience. Professor at the Chelsea College of Art and Design. Member of the Critical Practice research group and the editorial board of Documents of Contemporary Art. Some of his more recent projects are: Self Portrait: Arnolfini, carried out over a year at the residence Arnolfini residence in Bristol, in May 2010, the research and publication project Critical Practice culminating in the Parade project carried out in London. In April he participated in Procesos de Archivo, by Intermediae – Matadero Madrid, with the project Museum Futures. [http://www.neilcummings.com]

Francisco Jarauta. Professor of Philosophy at the Universidad de Murcia. Visiting Professor at European and American universities. His work has a special orientation towards the fields of philosophy of culture, the history of ideas, aesthetics and art theory. He collaborates with various institutions for research and international analysis, and has combined his academic work on aesthetics, art and philosophy by joining boards of cultural institutions such as the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Highilights among his many publications and editions include La transformación de la conciencia moderna (1991), Escenarios de la globalización (1997), Poéticas/Políticas (2001), Desafíos de la Mundialización (2002), Escritura suspendida (2004), Gobernar la globalización (Fundación Cajamurcia, 2004), and Viollet-Le-Duc. Conversaciones sobre la arquitectura (COAATMU, 2007). He has curated several international exhibitions.

Jordi Canudas visual artist and professor at the Escuela Massana Centro de Arte y Diseño-UAB. He has carried out exhibitions and in situ projects in cities such as Barcelona, Girona, Vic, Reus, Mataró, Madrid, Oviedo, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Marseille, Florence, Aalst and Brussels, among others. The notions of place and time, context and territory have been gaining importance in his recent works. A few examples are Hospital 106, 4t 1a (1995-2005), which he co-authored with Isable Banadl, about the urban and social transformations in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona and the project 1021 days. Mercado y Memòria_Mercat de Sant Antoni (2007-2009) Barcelona, a dialogue between contemporary artistic practices and the place, people and things prior to the refurbishment of this iconic market. His work examines closely the everyday reality, with the intention to preserve the memory and experience that is not registered in the official records.

Efraín Foglia has worked in various fields related to Art and Design: interactive media, print, info visualization, video, installation. He is currently researching the relationship between creative practice and the evolution of digital networks and their social and political implications. He is a member of guifi.net and exo.cat, two platforms that develop open and self-managed digital networks. He is a member of GRID (Grup de Recerca de Interaccions Digitales) of the Universitat de Vic, Barcelona, where he is a professor of Digital Art and Information Visualization. [http://www.efrainfoglia.net]

Maral Mikirditsian BA in Communication Arts at the Lebanese American University and MA in Design and Public Space at ELISAVA. She has collaborated with the Metropolis Cultural Space (Beirut, Lebanon), the Associació Marató de l’Espectacle, Ciutats que Dansen and the Escena Poblenou festival (Barcelona). Recently, winner of the curating projects competition of Can Felipa, with the project Des de l’Interstici. Initiator of the project beirut.Cat, with which she has organized activities in collaboration with the Festival de Bouesia and Priorat Centre d’Art. Between 2008-2011 she has been the coordinator of Idensitat.

Laia Solé Visual artist and professor at the Universitat de Vic. She combines teaching with research and creation projects that explore the various dynamics of space. Some of her works have been displayed at the exhibition Catalitzadors in Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona, 2011), or Balkan Suite in Espai Zero 1 (Olot, 2008). She has participated in collective projects: Rieres/Rambles (Barcelona, 2007), as a member of the collective Osservatorio Nomade-Barcelona; Post-it city: occasional cities (Barcelona, 2008), as a member of one of the research groups; Trans Art, Laboratorio de prácticas artísticas en el contexto sanitario (Barcelona, 2008) as a resident artist. [http://www.laiasole.net/]

La Torratxa is a Self-managed Social Center in Vic. In just over three years, the social center has achieved to function as a meeting place for several organizations that work in Osona and, at the same time, as a connection node with other bodies working in different territories. Its objective is to achieve social cohesion and transformation of young people by offering workshops and activities that reflect on society, territory and education. [www.latorratxa.org]




Forum: To register in the forum, please fill in the application form before June 30, 2011. [Access to form]. Places are limited. Free entrance previous registration, except to request a "Attendance certificate" issued by Universitat de Vic. In this case participation fee: 30 euros. For members of H.AAC (H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies), UAAV (Unión de Asociaciones de Artistas Visuales), APGCC (Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya) and students, the fee is 20 euros.

Forum + Workshop: To participate in the workshop, please fill in the application form and send a cover letter and curriculum. Participants will be selected according to the presented documentation. The deadline for sending the required documents is June 30, 2011.

Forum + Workshop registration fee: 120 euros (140€ including breakfast and lunch, only during the workshop). For members of H.AAC (H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies), UAAV (Unión de Asociaciones de Artistas Visuales), APGCC (Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya) and students, the fee is 100 euros (120€ including breakfast and lunch, only during the workshop). This fee covers accommodation in the gym of the La Sínia school (Av. Dels Països Catalans, 44. Vic). The space is equipped with mattresses and the participants will be responsible for providing personal effects (sleeping bags or blankets, towels, etc). Places are limited. For other accommodation options in Vic, contact ACVic This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Certificates Forum: Attendance certificate
Forum and Workshop: Completion certificate. Recognized by Universitat de Vic as equivalent to three credits.

For more information: ACVIC. Centre d’Arts Contemporànies
C/ Sant Francesc, 1. 08500 Vic (Barcelona)
Tel. + 34 93 885 37 04 
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9 to 13h. and 16 to 20h.
Saturday from 11 to 14 h. and 17 to 20 h.
Sundays and holidays from 11 to 14 h.


ACVic direction: Ramon Parramon | Coordination: Maite Palomo


Direction of the forum QUAM 2011: Maral Mikirditsian (independent curator), Ramon Parramon (artist and director of ACVic), Laia Solé (artist and professor at UVic).

Direction of workshops: 
- Iconoclasistas. (Co-produced with the PEI Programa de Estudios Independientes of MACBA) - David Juárez Latimer-Knowles - Straddle3, in collaboration with Santiago Cirugeda, Diego Peris -Todo por la praxis, Hackitectura.net and the participation of La Torratxa, Centre Social Autogestionat.

QUAM 2011 is an ACVic Centre d'Arts Contemporànies activity, organized within the framework of UVic. Universitat d’Estiu de Vic in collaboration with:
H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies, Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Vic, IMPEVIC Institut Municipal de Promoció i Economia de Vic, Escola La Sínia, Elisava. Escola Superior de Disseny, MACBA and La Torratxa. Centre Social Autogestionat, Associació d'Artistes Visuals de Catalunya, Associació de Professionals de la Gestió Cultural de Catalunya.

ACVic´s work is made possible thanks to the support of Ajuntament de Vic, Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Diputació de Barcelona, and H. Associació per les Arts Contemporànies.