


A project presentation and debate about Art Centres that are developing activities in a rural contexts in Catalonia.
Participants: Cal Gras, Campo Adentro, Centre d'Art i Natura, CACIS Forn de Calç, Idensitat, Nau Coclea, Priorat Centre d'Art .

Activity organized by ACVic-SBG* as a result of the research Prismes by Marta Ricart.

08.04.2011 at 19.00 h


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- What reality do those who develop art projects find in contexts on the margins, away from the nucleus of decision and artistic display?
- In the course of our work as artists or managers, does art have any relationship with awareness, creating new audiences, or energising?
- How to build strategies for promotion and involvement in often dispersed and heterogeneous environments?
- Does the countryside need to create its own strategies and promotion?

Creators working in rural areas often find a very different reality from those living in more urban contexts. Rural areas, in spite of representing 90% of Catalan territory, are often invisible. The rural has been often associated with folklore and popular culture but in rural areas there are many varied artistic activities which, although developed in these environments, should not be marginalised or disregarded. There is no reason why so-called rural contexts should find themselves banished to the margins of creation.
Given the diverse and heterogeneous reality of the creative scene in our country's rural areas, From the Margins, a space for debate and sharing the different experiences of artists, promoters and managers making artistic and cultural proposals in rural areas, has been suggested.
The debate will be guided by artist, researcher and educator Marta Ricart which, beginning with the results of PRISMES (a creative and collaborative research which explores the dynamics, projects and realities of certain artistic proposals developed in rural areas), proposes an open approach to share, reflect and make visible what it means to create artistic processes in rural areas.

(*) ACVic-SBG is a program which connects art-nature-rural context. It is developed in collaboration between ACVic and the Municipality of Sant Bartomeu del Grau.
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