10.10.14 – 24.01.2015
For the exhibition No Landscape which will take place in ACVic Centre d’Arts Contemporànies, we are putting out a call for pictures of the Pantà de Sau, during different times in its history, in the hope of finding willing collaborators. The images will form part of a visual archive to complement the exhibition, and will be used in educational activities.
The exhibition will showcase projects by Arturo / fito Rodríguez Bornaetxea, Igor Rezola and Mawatres / Juan Pablo Ordúñez.
Mawatres, Juan Pablo Ordúñez's project, unfolds around the Pantà de Sau. For this reason, the exhibition will offer visitors the chance to collaborate by providing images which illustrate the history of the landscape; droughts, sporting and cultural activities which have occurred, etc.
You can send images directly to ACVic (Sant Francesc, 1 Vic), or upload in following form:
[access to the form]
Thank you for your participation!